Saturday, August 14, 2010

Goals for the week ahead

So in the spirit of keeping myself honest, I thought I better have something written down to work towards.
This coming week will be a difficult one in terms of exercise. The ol' resting heart rate is pretty high at the moment (hovering between 123 & 148 resting ) so there will beonly some very light exercise and not too many sessions.

Goal 1. Take my thryroid medication as directed. No forgetting.

Goal 2. Track all food I eat. No excuses.

Goal 3. Make time for gentle exercise. Take the long way from the train station, park further away in the supermarket etc.

Goal 4. Increase my vegetable intake.

Goal 5. Increase water intake and decrease Pepsi Max intake!

Goal 6. Take my body measurements so I know where I am starting from and keep me honest.

Well, I think that's enough for one week!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Maiden post.....

Well hello world!
Here I am making my first post at the beginning of the long road to healthyville!
I imagine my moods and posts will change from time to time but today it is all positivity!
I am following the weight watchers points system as an eating plan and trying to move as much as possible in order to shift some weight.
My weight gain has been to overeating ofcourse and an overactive thryroid condition that has been quite overwhelming. Unfortunately I am one of those unlucky people who gains weight instead of the majority of people who lose weight. I will mention more about thyriod conditions as time goes on.
I plan to add some before photos, measurements, exercise plan etc over the next couple of days to see where I am starting from.
Here's to a great week ahead!